Skin ultimate pack, Youth Biome, Skin Omega.

Skin ultimate pack, Youth Biome, Skin Omega.

disclaimer: This is my own journey, please consult your own doctor if you’re under medical supervision, breastfeeding pregnant or have any allergies.

Hello & happy new year. Firstly I want to apologise as this blog post has taken quite some time to publish. Having stopped my tablets ( ran out over Christmas) I noticed how much my skin, hair and nails dipped. I’m back on the tablet front after a ten day hiatus and vow to never let myself run short of supply again, ( so yes naturally I stocked up)

Let me give you a bit of background on my supplement and health journey. I think its always good to know a bit about my background so you can figure out whats going to work for you.

Last January I cut meat out of my diet. Although I felt I had adjusted to the new and fairly balanced diet well I noticed that my hair and skin looked dull, uneven, pale, you name it, I just looked very run down ( my mum likes to tell me this a lot, which is always what you want to hear) ;) Ive always had naturally thick curly hair but my new diet had clearly taken its toll. I also suffer with iron deficiency which to give you a bit of background, iron plays the crucial role in making hemoglobin, a compound that carries oxygen to cells, which in turn is extremely essential for the body to function, and if deficient it can lead to hair loss, fatigue, brittle nails, mood swings etc etc. I have been on and off iron tablets my whole teenage/adult life so I knew how to get back on top of my iron again. If you do some research into iron deficiency and feel that sounds like you, go and get tested as I know a lot of people suffer with this problem.

Now on to my daily capsules...the best bit!. Amy from Lekker beauty told me about Advanced Nutrition Programme about a year ago,( you can shop and support local by visiting Lekker beauty online) she recommended I take the blister pack, a pack that contains 5 tablets per day for 28 days, perfect if you don’t know where to start. I noticed a big change around the 6 week mark. I had so many compliments on my skin, the texture, evenness and I really noticed how my hair looked very glossy, even on those in between wash days. I did some research to see what else I could take a long side the blister pack as I could really see the benefits from my 5 a day.

I have concocted and tailored my 3 favourite products ( that i’ve tried so far) below.

Skin Ultimate blister pack

Skin Ultimate blister pack

Skin ultimate

This is the pack I started with a year ago, it consists of 28 pods with 5 capsules in each pod. Housed in eco-friendly, plastic free, recyclable paper packaging (the ink is even made out of vegetable dye) Great for your skin and the environment. I must warn they’re not cheap, but I can honestly say I coudln’t put a price on how i’m feeling inside and out these days. The very clever pod design came in so handy on my last holiday, not that we are going anywhere anytime soon. I simply tore off how many strips I needed for my holiday and popped them in my suitcase, no lugging round jars or plastic bottles. Make sure you have a few packs to get going as you’ll not want to stop once you notice the change.

Skin Youth Biome

This supports normal, healthy gut flora for healthy looking youthful skin. I started these after having stomach upsets with certain foods, it has helped to balance everything out and honestly I haven’t had a single stomach upset since starting these so i’m not stopping! they’re built up of 5 billion live cultures of four scientifically studied strains, basically friendly bacteria with added vitamin C, so in turn I have bright and clear skin. I started these half way through the summer and I haven’t looked back.

Skin Omegas

Moisturiser you can swallow…..

As part of my skin ultimate pack ( blister 5 a day pack) a skin omega is one of the 5 a day, However you can take up to 2 a day and as I really loved how my skin was glowing and my body in turn needed less moisturiser I added another pack to double the moisture. Very easy to take and no awful fishy aftertaste…promise!

So there you have it, the supplements I can not live without. My hair skin and nails have really thanked me for it, less so my purse! If you have any questions feel free to message me.


